Monday, February 3, 2025

Return to Weekly Posts

For those of you who have been missing my weekly column, I plan to return to a set schedule starting today.

Rest assured, I'm still writing, every day, doing the same things I've been doing for many years.

I read three daily newspapers every day and The New Yorker every week. I still write every day. Still submit gags to the syndicated strips "Dennis the Menace," and "The Lockhorns" on a regular basis. Still work with cartoonists who submit their work to The New Yorker, Wall Street Journal, The Oldie, Air Mail and other publications. Still read memoirs written by cartoonists. Still study cartoon collections. Still go to events sponsored by the National Cartoonists Society. I just haven't written my blog in a while.

I plan to write this column every Monday. I plan to give gag writing advice, including how to write a caption, how to come up with cartoon situations and convey that information to the cartoonist who will be taking my information and drawing the actual cartoon. I plan to let you know of upcoming events I plan to attend and let you know about events I have attended. I plan to let you know how important it is to network with other creative types. That's one of the best ways of finding out about new writing opportunities.

I can tell you I plan to attend the MOCCA Festival in New York City on March 15-16. I look forward to The New Yorker's 100 year anniversary issue later this month and hope to visit a special exhibit about this anniversary at The Society of Illustrators that's going on right now. 

Stay tuned...there's a lot of interesting stuff on the horizon!

You can write me at: Have a great day!

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